The experience of my sisters wedding was truly spectacular however I want to address the side of India that made me put my life in perspective and allowed me to reflect on my life as to how perfect our lives truly are.
There was one day in particular that was a big eye opener for myself, Throughout the day I wrote notes in my IPhone which I will compose into here.
'Wow today was crazy and hectic yet again. First from the hotel we had a bus ride to the train station at 5am, seeing people sleeping outside near the train station was crazy. Literally 500 people sleeping on the ground, they looked dead. You really feel the pain when its cold and dark.
Then we got the train to Agra to see the Taj Mahal, it was amazing to see it with my own eyes.
The area around the Taj Mahal was slum, all poor people begging for money. We were the only tourists outside of the Taj Mahal. I saw a little girl about 7 years old holding a baby asking for money.
We here about it all the time on TV but to see it with your own eyes is truly indescribable, it makes you realise the life we have is PERFECT and I mean PERFECT. It's a mater of survival for them and THAT IS ALL.
After the Taj Mahal we got a camel ride back to our bus it was really crazy, little kids begging us to buy their souvenirs. Its really quite sad how much they need to beg to sell, its awful to think what happens if they don't sell anything.(video)
That is all,